Founded in 2003 off the coast of England, Finisterre is a cold water surf company that designs functional and sustainable products for cold water surfers and those that share a love of the sea. With a sustainable design ethos, Finisterre pushes to innovate fabrics, manufacturing, and style, to create high quality products that positively impact the environment and meet the fundamental needs of cold water surfers around the world.RESEARCH
PROCESS & BRAND STRATEGY | View Brand Research Slides
The approach for the rebrand was to keep the same essence of the existing brand with a minimal, sleek style but add emphasis to the things that differentiate Finisterre from their competitors. The new logo was designed with the addition of a brandmark, which Finisterre did not previously have. The brandmark is an abstract surfboard form with three diagonal lines that represent their company brand pillars: people, product, and environment. The color palette was chosen to reflect the cold waters off the English coast.DISCLAIMER
All photography used in this project is courtesy of Finisterre, and their respective photographers, and is used only for the purpose of creating this student project.